The Oxbridge is an annual sporting meeting between Cambridge and Oxford and each university takes turns in hosting it. This year Cambridge was the host and it was held on the 24th of May. As hosts, our class had to organise a full day event with 15 different sports.
I must say the day was amazing. It was brilliantly organised and everyone recognised it as being the best organised even ever! Everything went so perfectly and even the British weather helped! We were blessed with an amazingly shiny and sunny day and it was a lot of fun. There even was some family entertainment to make the event children friendly.
May was a great month with the MBAT and the Oxbridge running almost together. In the end, Oxford won the thing as they won 8 of the 15 sports. I still don’t understand how could we have lost in punting, which is the home sport....had we one that won, we’d get to keep the trophy!
But not everything is bad. We beat them in Rowing, Cricket and Football which are the really important sports :)
And the football match was just fantastic. I must say we played really well. We beat them 3-1 and we probably played the best football of the entire season. I guess we were saving the good stuff to show those Oxford people how to play ball!
The Oxbridge was really great fun!
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