Wednesday, August 29, 2007


If you don’t know facebook, it is just another networking tool like Hi5 and so many others. I didn’t know facebook until I was told it was almost mandatory to join it while in Cambridge. So, instead of waiting, I just joined it a couple of weeks ago.

And I’m glad I did so. There are already some groups formed, like the Cambridge 2008 MBA group or the Judge Business School incoming class of 2007 and they have been growing as time passes by. The cool thing is that I have been reached by many future students from many different parts of the world who also seem to be very excited with the coming year. And not only MBAs, but students that will read other courses at Judge. I must confess I didn’t even think about all the other interesting courses Judge has to offer. That just means the Judge community is much larger than the MBA community and will allow me to get to know much more people that I expected.

I think it will be a great year!

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